134. The Destruction of Korah's Band - Numbers 16:15–35

God himself now pronounced judgment on the affair between Moses and Aaron, the divinely appointed leaders of the people on one side, and the rebellious band of Korah on the other. The glory of the Lord appeared before the tabernacle of the congregation. Moses and Aaron came forward, as did Korah, Dathan and Abiram and the 250 men who followed them. Each came with a censer and incense. The Lord wanted to show who was really his priest and had the right to burn incense to him, whether that was Aaron or Korah the Levite and his followers. The whole community also gathered before the tabernacle of the congregation, which had taken Korah’s side. First, Moses and Aaron prayed to God on behalf of the community that he would not destroy them because of one rebel. Then they exhorted the whole community to get away from the tents of these ungodly people and to separate themselves from them, and the community obeyed them. And so it is God’s will for Christians that they separate themselves from such godless people, from false teachers and prophets. St. Paul writes: “But I urge you, brethren, to watch out for those who cause divisions and stumbling blocks, contrary to the doctrine which you have learned, and to turn away from them” (Rom. 16:17).

Now Korah, Dathan and Abiram, who had blasphemed the Lord by blaspheming Moses and Aaron, were cut off from the earth in the sight of all the people. The earth opened its mouth and swallowed them up with their families. They went down alive into hell with everything they had. And fire from heaven devoured the 250 men who had appeared before the Lord with incense. Truly, God will not leave unpunished those who blaspheme the Office and the correct teaching He has ordained, who thus blaspheme the Lord himself. Such rebels are often judged and branded by God in time. But they will certainly receive their judgment on that Day and receive their reward in hell.