1 Corinthians 1:26–30
Hymn: “Grace Has a Thrilling Sound” (CW93 381:3-4)
September 14 - Holy Cross
1 Corinthians 1:18–25
Hymn: CW 381, st. 1,2 “Grace Has a Thrilling Sound”
September 13
Mark 2:23–27
Hymn: CW 415, st. 3,4 “Be Still, My Soul”
September 12
Hymn: CW 415, st. 1–2 “Be Still, My Soul”
September 11
The Plagues
Hymn: CW 265, st. 3–4 “This is the Feast of Victory”
September 10
Colossians 1:15–23
Hymn CW 265, st. 1–2 “This is the Feast of Victory”
September 9
Galatians 3:10–14
Hymn : CW260 “Let All Things Now Living”
September 8
Matthew 11:25–30
Hymn: “This is the Threefold Truth” (CW 406, st. 5)
September 7
Call of Moses: Exodus 3
Hymn: “This is the Threefold Truth” (CW406, st. 3,4)
September 6
The Birth of Moses—Exodus 2
Hymn CW 406, st. 1,2
September 5 - Zacharias and Elizabeth
Luke 1:5–7
Hymn: CW 262, st. 3,5 “All Glory Be to God Alone”
September 4 - Moses
Exodus 2:13–15
Hymn CW 262, st. 1–2 “All Glory Be to God Alone”
September 3 - Gregory the Great
Matthew 10:1–19; 14:1–12
Hymn CW 341, st. 3-4 “Crown Him with Many Crowns”
September 2 - Hannah
1 Samuel 1:21–28
Hymn CW 341:1-2 “Crown Him with Many Crowns”
September 1 - Joshua
Joshua 1:10–18
Hymn CW 399:3 “To God Be the Glory”
August 31
1 Timothy 6:17–19
Hymn CW 399: 1–2 “To God Be the Glory”
August 30
1 Timothy 6:3–10
Hymn CW 324, st. 3,4
August 29 - Martyrdom of St. John
Mark 6:14–29
Hymn CW 324, st. 1,2 “Almighty God, Your Word Is Cast”
August 28 - Augustine
Romans 7:7–25
Hymn CW 255, st. 3 “Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty”
August 27 - Monica
Genesis 45
Hymn CW 255, st. 1, 2 “Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty”