Dr. George Stöckhardt taught Old and New Testament exegesis full time at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis from 1887 until his death in 1913. In 1896 and 1899, he published volumes of commentary on the Bible History stories of the Old and New Testaments, respectively. The commentary is based on the morning devotions he conducted at the Seminary. Each brief section of commentary simply retells the story and provides an even more brief application to the Christian reader. Between the two volumes there are 645 sections.

I plan to translate individual sections as they come up in Sunday School lessons, Bible Class, and Sunday readings. I will post them here, until it is complete and I will look into having it printed.

 Old Testament

Old Testament Forward

I. The Beginnings of the Human Race

II. The History of the Patriarchs

III. The Exodus of Israel from Egypt and the Wandering in the Wilderness

133. Korah’s Rebellion Numbers 15:32–16:14

134. The Destruction of Korah’s Band Numbers 16:15–35

135. Confirmation of Aaron’s priesthood Numbers 16:36—17:13

V. The History of the Kings of Israel

317. The Dedication of the Temple 1 Kings 8:1–29

New Testament

New Testament Forward

I. Christ’s Birth and Childhood

1. The incarnation of the Son of God. John 1:1-18

10. The Wise Men from the East Mt 2:1–12

11. The Flight into Egypt Matt. 2:13-23

 12. The twelve-year-old Jesus boy in the temple

V. Suffering, Death, and Resurrection of Christ

121. The Prophecy of the Lord concerning the End of Jerusalem and the End of the World (Mt. 24)

122. The Parable of the Ten Virgins Mt. 25:1–13

123. The Lord’s prophecy of the Last Judgment. Mt. 25:31-46.

124. The washing of the feet. Jn 13:1–20.

125. The Last Passover Meal 
and the Institution of the Lord’s Supper Luke 22:15–23

133. Jesus in Gethsemane

133 Jesus Arrested

135. Jesus before Annas & Peter’s Denial John 18:12–27

136. Jesus before the Jewish Ruling Council Matthew 26:59–68